
  • 聚乙烯衬里管道的螺旋淹没弧焊接


    引入我们的革命性聚丙烯衬管,这是最终解决方案地下水管 系统。我们的聚丙烯衬里管道是使用先进的螺旋式弧形焊接技术生产的,从而确保了较高的质量和耐用性。该最先进的管道旨在满足地下水供应的最高标准,为各种应用提供了可靠且持久的解决方案。

  • 引入X42 SSAW钢管桩,这是一种多功能耐用的基础解决方案,非常适合码头和港口建设项目。 This spiral welded pipe is available in a wide range of diameters, typically between 400-2000 mm, making it suitable for a variety of applications. The most commonly used diameter of this steel pipe pile is 1800 mm, which provides sufficient strength and stability for your construction needs.

  • 在安装天然气管道时,确保系统的安全性和可靠性至关重要。 A key aspect of the process is the welding procedure used to join the various components of the gas pipeline, especially when using SSAW steel pipe.在此博客中,我们将深入研究使用SSAW钢管在燃气管安装中适当的管道焊接程序的重要性。

  • 引入了由A252 1级钢制成的冷形成的焊接结构燃气管,并使用双浸没电弧焊接方法构造。我们的钢管符合美国测试和材料协会(ASTM)设定的ASTM A252标准,可确保对各种应用的高质量和可靠性。

  • ASTM A139 

  • Underground water pipes play a vital role in modern infrastructure, providing a reliable and efficient way to transport water to various locations.这些管道通常由多种材料制成,其中一种流行的选择是螺旋焊接的碳钢管。尤其, and X70 SSAW line pipe are widely used in groundwater pipeline systems due to their excellent strength and durability.在此博客中,我们将讨论地下水管的重要性以及使用螺旋焊接碳钢管进行水运输的好处。

  • 在基础设施构建中,所使用的材料在项目的寿命和功能中起着至关重要的作用。基础设施行业必不可少的一种材料是螺旋焊接管道。 These pipes are commonly used in a variety of applications such as water mains and gas pipes, and their specifications, including welded and spiral seam pipes, are critical to ensuring their performance. In this blog, we will take an in-depth look at the 
